Registration of Birth Ahmedabad | Duplicate Birth Certificate Ahmedabad | Lost Birth Certificate Ahmedabad

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Hello and welcome to Shreeji Consultancy. Shreeji Consultancy is one of the reliable consultancy firm engaged in the business of providing a wide range of services such as Registration, Maintenance & Consultation to various clients. We are providing various services which helps you to save your time and you can spend that time for growth of your business.


Contact us for Correction, Modification, Duplicate, Registration or Translation in Birth & Death Certificates. Registration of Birth Ahmedabad | Duplicate Birth Certificate Ahmedabad | Lost Birth Certificate Ahmedabad



duplicate Birth Certificate Ahmedabad | Death certificate Ahmedabad



    Birth and Death registration is compulsory and, these certificates are very useful documents required at many places. A Birth certificate contain Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Mother Name, Father name and Birth Address.


    You need birth certificate from school to many more places. So, if you would like extra copies in English or Gujarati of Birth or Death certificates or your name is not registered in your in Birth Certificates or if there is any mistake in Birth or Death certificates then please do not hesitate to contact us. We will solve your problem and will also provide extra copies of required Birth and Death Certificates. Registration of Birth Ahmedabad, Duplicate Birth Certificate Ahmedabad, Lost Birth Certificate Ahmedabad

Some Useful Resources

Please find below some useful resources which may helpful to you.