Ahmedabad Gumastadhara | Gumasta License Ahmedabad | Gumastadhara Ahmerdabad | Gumastadhara in Ahmedabad

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Welcome to Shreeji Consultancy

Hello and welcome to Shreeji Consultancy. Shreeji Consultancy is one of the reliable consultancy firm engaged in the business of providing a wide range of services such as Registration, Maintenance & Consultation to various clients. We are providing various services which helps you to save your time and you can spend that time for growth of your business.


Bombay Shops & Establishment Act 1948, Gumasta License Ahmedabad, Gumastadhara License Ahmedabad, Gumastadhara form Ahmedabad, Gumasta License Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Gumastadhara


Contact us for Registration, Renewal or modification of Shops & establishment (Gumastadhara) License Ahmedabad Gumastadhara.




Bombay Shops and establishment act / Ahmedabad Gumastadhara License

    About What:


    To regulate conditions of work and employment in shops, commercial establishments, residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theatres, other places of public entertainment and other establishments. Ahmedabad Gumastadhara


    Provisions include Regulation of Establishments, Employment of Children, Young Persons and Women, Leave and Payment of Wages, Health and Safety etc.


    Applicability & Coverage:


    It applies to all local areas specified in Schedule-I


    Establishment means any establishment to which the Act applies and any other such establishment to which the State Government may extend the provisions of the Act by notification.


    Ahmedabad Gumastadhara


    Employee means a person wholly or principally employed whether directly or through any agency, whether for wages or other considerations in connection with any establishment. Ahmedabad Gumastadhara


    Member of the family of an employer means, the husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, brother or sister and is dependent on such employer




    Form-A for New Registration


    Form-D for renewal.


    The employer has to submit these forms to the authority notified along with the old certificate of registration and the renewal fees for minimum one year’s renewal and maximum of five year’s renewal Ahmedabad Gumastadhara.


    Form-E (Notice of Change) {Rule 8} for any modification or changes in current certificate. i.e. Establishment name, Address, Category, etc. Gumastadhara Ahmedabad




    Form-A {Rule 5} Register showing dates of Lime Washing etc


    Form-H, Form-J {Rule 20(1)} (if opening & closing hours are ordinarily uniform) Register of Employment in a Shop or Commercial Establishment Ahmedabad Gumastadhara


    Form-I {Rule 20(3)}, Form-K (if opening & closing hours are ordinarily uniform) Register of Employment in a Residential Hotel, Restaurant, Eating-House, Theatre, or other places of public amusement or entertainment


    Form-M {Rule 20(4)} Register of Leave – This and all the above Registers have to be maintained by the Employer


    Ahmedabad Gumastadhara


    Visit Book Gumastadhara Ahmedabad


    This shall be a bound book of size 7” x 6” containing at least 100 pages with every second page consecutively numbered, to be produced to the visiting Inspector on demand. The columns shall be:


    Name of the establishment or Employer


    Registration Number

    Date and Time

Ahmedabad Gumastadhara

Some Useful Resources

Please find below some useful resources which may helpful to you.